Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Name Question

I, too, have gotten the name question many times. I am always unsure of how to answer it. I mean, I know the answer, and that is yes, I will be taking Prince Charming's last name. But I don't know how to word it. Its an interesting question, because it wasn't that many years ago that if you didn't take someones name when you married them, you were really really weird.

Today, I find that for the most part people are accepting either way. Yes, the more traditional generations before ours may give you crap if you decide not to become Mrs. SoandSo instead of Mrs. WhoI'veAlwaysBeen. But that's their problem, and their take on it.

I've always intended to take the last name of my husband. For me, it is a gesture of acceptance of him and his family. It then becomes OUR last name as well, the name we will raise our family with. But I completely understand the desire to stick with the last name you grew up with, because it truely is a part of you. It does not, in any way, make you less married.

A few brides I've known recently will move thier maiden name to thier middle name, which I actually think is a decent idea. For me, my middle name is already a family name, and that's enough.

I'm still bitter about moving SIGNIFICANTLY down in the alphabet. But, you know, that's love!

-Aurora (soon to be Aurora Charming?)

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