Saturday, November 24, 2007

Rejected :(

Yesterday I received a rejection card from one of the ladies I asked to be a bridesmaid. I'm really upset about this. Part of me wants to talk to her about it, to try to convince her otherwise. But another part just wants to forget about it and move on. She listed her reasons why she won't do it, and while I agree with them I don't feel she's being fair or even willing to listen or give me a chance.

This is just another in a series of the downward slope our friendship has taken. She's been dissing me more and more lately, I was chalking it up to her being busy with school and work and what-not, but after these last few rejections I'm ready to just wash my hands of her entirely.

But that doesn't mean I'm not hurt. Oh, I am. I already had a big tear-fest over it.

And now I'm left with the dilemma of what to do with her spot. I don't have many close friends, let alone anyone I feel close enough with that I'd want to ask them to be in the wedding. So do we have asymmetrical attendants? Do I "promote" or "downgrade" someone else? I have no clue. Luckily, I still have a ton of time so I don't have to figure it out any time soon.

I still feel like poop though.

At least our Thanksgiving visit with my parents went well and Mom loves my ideas so far. I'm so glad to have supportive and non-meddling parents.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to read this post. You put a lot of thought into who you choose in your attendants. The postive is that at least she told you now and not several months into the wedding plans. I hope you find another great person or maybe things can be slighter smaller on one side than the other. Only choose attendants that you know has your best interest at heart the day of your wedding.

Loki said...

I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I can do!

Emily said...

Only choose attendants that you know has your best interest at heart the day of your wedding.

I agree with this. Don't ask someone else just because you want to make the sides even; I've seen uneven weddings before and it didn't seem weird to me at all.

I'm sorry this happened, but let this be the worst thing that happens!