Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Trying to get men to make decisions can be so impossible! Its been driving me crazy. I guess it keeps me paced so I'm not rushing around, but I also want to desperately get a few more things done before Thanksgiving time. We're almost a year out now, and we have plenty of time. I just need to convince myself of that.

To do before Thanksgiving:

Choose and book photographer
Notify groomsmen (they've FINALLY been chosen)
Make a list of officiants to consider
Make a list of DJ's to meet with
Visit David's Bridal to decide on dresses for bridesmaids

*deep breaths*


Anonymous said...

Breath and count down from 10! I always narrowed down the decisions for Devin. If he had more than three options, his eyes would glaze over. It was a lot of work for me but alas the bride gets the bulk of the work...and anxiety. I feel for you all! ~Beth

Loki said...

That's exactly what I do. I present him a few options, and he panics, refuses to choose until I make him.

Its working pretty well. Except I'm drinking a lot more... weird....

PS - i'm kiding about the drinking.