Monday, September 29, 2008

No, seriously.

I ordered my wedding dress on Saturday. Big item off the to-do list of DOOOM. So that's a relief.

The woman asked if I wanted to try a veil. I am always willing to try them, although I lean a little away from them at least in idea because of the nature of the history of what they stand for. Also, I have lain with a man, so there's that.

I can't deny that they make me look like a Capital-B-Bride, though. The effect is instant and amazing and makes me catch my breath. Which is kind of the point of not telling my sweet man anything about the dress - I make my grand entrance, and the awesome hotness of my beauty gallops forth to slaughter his heart, and he's mine FOR EV AR.

But the thing cost $195. For something I would wear for a half an hour, that I'm not totally committed to wearing. At that price, I would feel really badly if I changed my mind.

Then I contacted the sweet and wonderful Princess Aurora and told her of my woes. And she gave me, as she is wont to do, awesome advice and concrete help. I am so so glad she is going first! The website she gave me had the same veil - plain tulle with a ribbon edging - for a much cheaper price.

How much cheaper, you ask? Can you guess?


My mind, she boggles. I know there's the whole wedding industry, and all of that, but COME ON.

I am amazed.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Less than 2 months!

Less than 2 months to go and things are a bit nutty, but controlled due to my fairly well planned schedule.  Invitations are out and being received, we've even got 2 RSVPs back! Our wedding offically has 7 guests.  

Still left to do:
-Drop deposit at bakery
-Arrange all final meetings for details
-Write the ceremony
-Get Donald a ring!
-Monitor hotel block
-Write a lot of checks
-Dress fittings (only 1! My dress fits well and my seamstress is a godess)
-Order 1 final bridesmaids dress tonight
-Other detaily crap

Its truely insane.  I can't wait to be married to my wonderful man though.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Checklists and milestones

Things I have done:

- found a DJ (who I LOVE)
- found a photographer
- chosen my dress (in my head)
- ordered part of the Save the Dates, to be assembled at home
- chosen the wedding dreads colors
- talked to Jessie about helping me do a prelim install of the wedding dreads to make sure it's what I want

Things I need to do:
- send the contracts and deposits to the DJ and photographer
- make an appointment to actually put money down and get the dress
- finalize addresses on the invitation list
- finalize the invite list
- assembled the Save the Dates and send them out
- order the wedding dreads

Stuff I am freaking out about that I know I need to do:
- figure out what the kids can do (two 12 year old cousins on one side, one 13 year old cousin on the other, my 8 year old nephew and 1 year old niece)
- find out where to get appropriately colored pashminas / large wraps for my sister and Mike's sister
- figure out what to do about invitations and where to get them from and if I'm going to design them or let someone else do it
- do something about flowers (my favorite suggestion so far: grocery store ordering)
- talk to the place about rehearsal times
- find a rehearsal dinner place
- figure out cheaper hotel options for family who want to stay longer

I think we're going to go incognito as already-married people to the hotel that is further down the street than the one that we've already spoken to. I want to tell them I'm having a party (so they won't see $$ when we say "wedding") and that the hotel up the street offered me this rate, and if they can beat it, I'll bring my business to them.

I'm at five months, ten days now. Yikes.